Sunday, July 21, 2013

Chaos and the Universe

Today at Service, we had a guest speaker come in and talk about the Law of Attraction. One of my favorite Laws, and the one I have the most trouble with.
I love it because it's so easily proven; I have trouble with it because I too often use my Vibrations for others and find myself getting the short end of every stick. I never seen to have enough left over for myself, but I always seem to find plenty to give. This, I find, is a common problem. Maybe it's because it's not actually a problem? Perhaps we spend all our energy on others because we are not meant to heal ourselves, but to find someone else to spend their energy on us?
That would be the nature of Chaos, wouldn't it? One cannot harness it, but can only work with it. Chaos can be influenced, but never changed. Lets have three cheers for dichotomies!

Sparkly Tanka 

 Let it be lit up -
the twinkle we cannot see;
the brightness we feel.
Invite electricity;
razzle-dazzle when we hug.

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