Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Interpritation Required

I dreamed that I was a giant living in a meadow. I was the owner of a sword that everybody wanted to borrow. But no matter what reason they gave me for wanting to use my sword, I always adjudicated to deny their request. This made me sad.
I woke up with that numb, tingly feeling that is usually associated with poor circulation.

Giant's Haiku  

  I watch them approach;
my heart drops, heavy with doubt.
Will none have a cause?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Well, Here We Are

I have started and re-started this post about four times in the last half-hour. I'm just not sure what to write about today! I have several topics on my burners, but I can't seem to expand on any of them. I also can't decide what type of music I want to listen to this morning.
Maybe I need more coffee. Or less coffee.
A part of my job is to set up and run the Wayne County Fair. The woman who I would normally do this with is pregnant, and just called this morning to inform us that the doctors are taking her out of work immediately rather than a week and a half from now. This means that we are now flying solo with only about a week until the fair. All of the big projects are done; now it's all the annoying little things that one doesn't think about until it's a week away from the fair.
How am I supposed be in charge of a whole county's worth of volunteers if I can't even decide what music to listen to in the morning?

Summer Storm Tanka 
In the rain and wind
one can smell the ozone layer;
sweet breath of the sky.
Lightning burns away the old,
thunder heralds what is new.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Stinky Ferret Love

Since I was about six years old, I've wanted a ferret. Three or so Summers ago, I went ahead and got one. Phoebe. She is my pride and joy. Coworkers talk about their kids, I talk about my ferret. I used to make fun of people who called their pets their "fur-kids", but now that I have been a ferret-mom I totally get it.
I won't sugar coat it; she is a lot of work. As many may know, ferrets are stereotypically stinky. This is because they are of the mustellid family (weasels, otters, skunks, etc.). Mustellids all have an oder gland as a natural defence. Domestic ferrets can generally be "de-scented", but they are biologically built to stink. There's a lot one can do to keep their ferret smelling fresh, however. The easiest, most effective solution is to switch their diet to chicken based kitten chow; just be sure to compare the nutrition facts:
Protein*: at least 40%
Fat: 20% (no more than 30%)
Fiber: less than 3%
*Ferrets are STRICT carnivores; make sure that this is animal-based protein!
Anyway, switching to chicken-based food is an effective oder fighter because most ferret chow is fish based. As you might guess, fish is pretty stinky and can promote an unpleasant smell.
There are also pleanty of vitamin drops, treats, and even ferret-specific sprays that you can use regularly on the animal, cage, and toys/bed. I also try to clean Phoebe's litter pan regularly. Always always always litter train a ferret! I bathe her about every three weeks, since bathing a ferret too much can cause hair loss. There are ferret shampoos, but I just use baby shampoo. Some ferrets love baths; Phoebe does not, but she is okay with a shower.
This will very likely not be my last post dedicated to my little ferret, but I hope that this has been an educational experience.

Phoebe Haiku 
Warm and wiggley,
tiny hunter sleeps all day.
Affectionate beast.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Still Alive!

I'm here! I promise I haven't forgotten you!
I have been the busiest of beavers lately, and there is no end in site. It's a disparaging feeling, having a tired brain before the real work has even begun. I give you my word that I will make a true attempt to post more regularly. Before I attempt to rest under Monday's impending arrival, I will leave you with this melancholy little update.

Solitary Haiku  

 I glance up and ask
"is this the same moon you see?";
I'll have one more drink.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Chaos and the Universe

Today at Service, we had a guest speaker come in and talk about the Law of Attraction. One of my favorite Laws, and the one I have the most trouble with.
I love it because it's so easily proven; I have trouble with it because I too often use my Vibrations for others and find myself getting the short end of every stick. I never seen to have enough left over for myself, but I always seem to find plenty to give. This, I find, is a common problem. Maybe it's because it's not actually a problem? Perhaps we spend all our energy on others because we are not meant to heal ourselves, but to find someone else to spend their energy on us?
That would be the nature of Chaos, wouldn't it? One cannot harness it, but can only work with it. Chaos can be influenced, but never changed. Lets have three cheers for dichotomies!

Sparkly Tanka 

 Let it be lit up -
the twinkle we cannot see;
the brightness we feel.
Invite electricity;
razzle-dazzle when we hug.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Wild Womanhood

UPDATE: Some one is at my office building to fix the AC, and he is my new hero. Seriously, I'm about ready to marry this guy.
As I prepare for some car camping with friends this weekend (which will be so luxurious in my mini van), I can't help but think about Wild Woman philosophies. I am inherently drawn to the aspects of Wild Womanhood, but there are a few things standing in my way of achieving it. For one thing, I am self conscious about my physical body. I exercises it constantly, but there are certain things about it that cannot be changed. My body consciousness is psychological, and irrational, and not my fault. It's not vanity that's my problem, I promise. Once I learn to accept my body and exist outside of it, I will be on my way to Wild Womanhood!
Wild Womanhood is one of those Tao concepts that I love so much, but it essentially means being free to exist as you are simply because you do. Something we all want, and maybe some of us have it, but another concept needs to be set into motion to achieve this state: Harmony. To be truly Wild you need to live in Harmony. One needs to exist Harmoniously with themselves, others, Nature, technology, Past, Present, Future, and all the Chaotic Vibrations. It sounds arduous, but I bet it's not. I think it's one of those great "ah-ha" moment. This path probably doesn't have stepping stones; Wild Womanhood is more like a river than a path. Eventually I'll leap off that waterfall at the end.

Moving River Haiku
Shiver in the rush;
flowing regardless of me.
The water is cold. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I don't know if I'm just too delicate, but I can over heat instantly. If I take a shower that's too hot, I'll get a fever. My core temperature is actually about half a degree higher than what is common, so needless to say Summer and I don't always get along.
That already being an established fact, the AC in my office has been broken for the past week. I come home nauseous every day, but as soon as I sit in some cool air and drink another bottle of water (in addition to the four or five I already drink daily) I'm fine again. I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but it is truly ridiculous.
On the other hand, Summer is the time for drinks on the beach, camping with friends, and not wearing a lot of clothing. I'm a night person - a nyctophile if you will - and I find Summer nights to be particularly energizing. Maybe it's the wonder of the fireflies, maybe it's the fact that I can let my bare skin touch the Earth without freezing, but there is just a different magik to Summer nights. I can absolutely feel like a child again when I'm under the moonlight and it's 75 degrees.
Okay, Summer; we can still hang out.

Summer Heat Tanka     
Swirling in the air;
wet and burning all at once.
Find in the darkness
a firm hug from an old friend
long forgotten in the Sun.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lights, Camera, Poetry

For those of you who keep up-to-date with my posts, you will know that I have been struggling with a topic piece - the topic being movies.
Well, I'm happy to report that I did it. I finally sat down and wrote a Haiku about movies. Inspired by the fact that I prefer theater, I wrote about the fourth wall. I hate that damned fourth wall! Break down the fourth wall, I say. But, people are uncomfortable with nothing between them and the story. Very few of us actually enjoy audience interaction at shows, and fewer actually understand the reason for it. When we go to a theater (movie or otherwise) we are looking to disengage, not engage in the story.
We all build our own fourth wall.

Theater Haiku
Story in a box;
suspension of disbelief.
Welcome to the show.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Losing Time

Oh my goodness, tomorrow night is my Writer's Guild meeting and I've hardly even thought about the assignment! I've had two weeks to write it, and yet I didn't write a thing relating to the topic. Did i lose track of time? Was I just too busy? Too tired? Uninspired?
Before I get too deep into rhyming, I'll fill you in. The topic for this week's meeting is movies. An interesting topic to write Haiku on, indeed. I'm not even sure which direction to go in; Haiku, Tanka, Choka? Do I write about a favorite movie? Going to see a movie? Do I even bother with the topic, or do I just read something else I've written?
Between work, climbing, and other various appointments, I feel as though I have been stretched rather thinly. Then again, I have had plenty of down-time. There were days when all I did was sit on the couch, have a beer, and play Pokemon. So what's my excuse? Whenever I get a chance to sit and think, I don't feel like thinking about the writing topic. Maybe I just can't get a handle on writing about movies. It seems awkward in my mind, so maybe I'm ignoring it.
Instead, here's a weird little Haiku about why I love clocks because they are essentially devices to keep track of themselves

Time/Watches Haiku
Time is defined as
change within a moment, so
clocks measure themselves.

Friday, July 5, 2013

My Brain Tricked Me

Do you ever dream that you've woken up and started your day? It throws you off, right? Well, today I dreamed that it was the end of a long, full day and I was getting ready for a good night's sleep. And then my alarm rang. Lame! My brain is groggy to say the least.
Seeing as how there's only three people - including myself - in the office today, I am occupying my time with busy work. Papers, editing, reviewing emails, etc. I also have my music playing significantly louder, which is a plus. A big part of my job is planning activities for an up-coming day camp, so I'm off to Outdoor Recreation Textbook Land! Where I finally get some use out of my time spent at SUNY Cortland! Hooray! And here, I will put in another plug for "Coyote's Guide to Connecting with Nature", the best outdoor education resource book I have ever used.
I wonder if I look busy enough?

Daydreaming Haiku
Eyes kept on blank page,
this fluorescent world drifts by.
My mind is with birds.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Story Tellers and Faith Keepers

Since I was little, I've always admired Story Tellers and knew that I wanted to be one. I've been a part of many acting troupes and public speaking clubs throughout my life, and now that I'm coming into my role as an Outdoor Educator, I feel it is time to tie up those ends.
As a Druid(ess), I take it upon myself to play the role of Faith Keeper. Faith Keepers and Story Tellers can be one-and-the-same, and this is the type of person I want to be. Not just religious faith, but faith in Nature. Maybe those are one-and-the-same, as well?
As you know, I have been writing for many years; half my life, in fact. I know how to create stories, but now I want to relate them. If anyone has any resources to help me in my Story Telling journey, I would appreciate the assistance!

Story Teller
Weaving the dream-scape
of those things that came to be,
where Then and Now blend.