Saturday, August 31, 2013

Prerecorded Message Two

Just a short anticdote today.
There is a dying florescent light above my desk. It flickers all day. Sometimes, I play techno music really loud and pretend that I'm at a Rave instead of in my cubicle. I should start bringing Glow-Sticks to the Office.

Desk Party Tanka 
Production will stop
while this beat bounces about;
few minutes of fun. 
These three walls can't contain me;
the deadlines will have to wait.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Prerecorded Message One

The next few posts will have been written the past. I'm prepping a few before I go off to the State Fair for a few nights and will be unable to post new content. It's like time travel, but it's not.
It occurred to me that not a lot of people know what the 4-H program is. Well, let me take this time to tell you. Let's start with the four H's themselves.
The four H's stand for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. There is a 4-H pledge, which goes: "I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service, and my Health to better living for my Club, my Community, my Country, and my World". Also, I recently learned that the 4-H clover is being plagiarized! To be an official, legal 4-H clover, the stem needs to be pointing to the right, and the serial code needs to be present.
The basic idea of 4-H is to teach youth applicable life skills through growing experiences while encouraging a sense of community.

4H Haiku 
Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.
Where could we go without them?
More than just four words. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Busy Bee!

Get ready for an end of the month review! I will be at the State Fair when the month actually ends, so I'm updating live now and loading my blog-canon with some prepared poetry to update while I'm at the Fair.
August, why have you been so full?? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. It just seems that it should still be July, and here we are a week away from September.
It's the Fairs that have eaten up all of my time. First the Wayne County Fair, and now the NY State Fair. Things that aren't necessarily my responsibility are becoming my job because my "supervisor" (I use the term loosely) doesn't want to do them or forgot to do them. It's not that I can't do these things, it's just they way they were put in my lap without warning that gets to me. Oh well.
I am now contributing to a friend's blog. It's a fun project, and hopefully we can make it grow. Scratch that; we are on our way to making it grow into a lovely, informative blog for a wide diversity of people to enjoy!
I seem to have emailed myself at my work email address with a picture of a recent Oracle Card spread of mine. I'm trying to decide why I emaild this to myself. I wrote about this particular spread, but why did I send a picture of it to my work email? Sometimes I baffle myself.
I'm over half way through getting my degree, which is very exciting for me. I will soon be a T.E. Wildlife Manager (for those of you who haven't read the Continued Adventures in Oz, "T.E." stands for "Thoroughly Educated").
Over all, I am prepared for the transition into Fall.

End of Summer Haiku 
Rain becomes cooler,
sunshine doesn't stay as warm.
The leaves will soon change.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Coffee Time

I love drinking coffee. It's not even so much the caffeine, but I love the taste. I like my coffee black, or with cream, or with cream and sugar, or with a flavor. At work, I usually drink it black - I like my coffee black, just like my metal. This week, though, we have leftover creamers from the County Fair that I've been using. And, oh, what creamers they are! Almond Joy, and vanilla, and York Peppermint Patty flavors! They are too tastey not to use.
Coffee its self is actually pretty good for you. Not only does it aid in one's ability to focus and retain information, it also kick starts the metabolism. It's when we add a cup of steamed milk and three packets of sugar that coffee becomes bad for us. Of course, in excess, anything is bad for you. I'm sure everyone is aware of what happens to the body after too much coffee. I've limited myself to two cups a day; one in the morning, and another one in the afternoon/evening if I want it. There's just something so comfortable about having a nice hot cup of coffee.

Coffee Tanka
Boiling and black,
as though brewed in a culdron;
steam floats to the Sun.
This bitter taste calms my mind;
this darkness makes me feel bright.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Round Twenty-Three

Well, I'm done with one event at work, and now I have a week to prepare for the next event. No rest for the wicked or the county employees, I suppose. However, the County Fair is over! Celebrate the small things, I always say!
Unfortunately, there is no coffee in the office this morning. I had to pry open my wallet and get a cup from Dunkin' Donuts. If fancy coffee is the worst thing to happen to me today, though, I will not complain.
Yesterday was my Birthday (woo!), so I have a whole slew of new clothes to make me feel pretty this week. I know it's a feminine stereotype, but wearing new clothes really does make me feel good. I don't put very much stock into my appearance, but I do believe in dressing appropriately. Having said that, I must now say that catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror and seeing that I look nice puts a smile on my face. I don't think it's vain, and I don't care even if it is vain. I am a Leo, after all.

Leo Moon Haiku 
Yawning lazily,
single cloud stretching across.
Rise as the Sun sets. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I Feel Your Pain . . .

Physical Empathy is the term for an ability that I possess. I absorb the pain of those emotionally close to me, and sometimes the pain of those who are particularly open spiritually. If you fall into one of these categories, I will know if you have a headache because my head will start to throb.
I also possess Emotional Empathy abilities, but the emotions need to be strong. Like when everyone in my office is stressed out, I will absorb it all and become even more stressed.
This is why I don't like violent movies - I have actually vomited while watching a gory film.
I also prefer to not be in crowds.
I am currently living with my parents. My mother has a bad vertebrate and my father has a slipped rotator cuff.  Guess who gets frequent back and shoulder pain? Admittedly, I do have some of my own back problems - more accurately, hip problems related to my knees. A big problem that I have is separating what pain is mine and what pain belongs to other people. Then, once I sort it out, I don't know how to let go of what isn't mine.
It is helpful to feel another persons aches if I am doing hands-on healing, but I otherwise don't want to feel their stomach cramps. Getting rid of emotional pain that doesn't belong to me is even worse.
It's not something I want to block out. I just want to know what is mine and how to let go of what isn't. I want to be an active Empath, not a passive Empath.

Empathetic Haiku  

Eyes tell a story,
though your heart speaks louder still.
I will always hear.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Going Batty

I know the title might seem like I'm going to moan about my stress levels, but no; I mean literal bats. I love 'em!
That's right, I love bats. I think they're cute, they're helpful, and we need to appreciate them more. And I'd like to point out right up front that only about 10% of reported rabies cases in the United States are caused by bats. Raccoons are the more likely culprit, if you were wondering.
Also, bats are not rodents. Just so you know, bats are not rodents. Did you know that bats are not rodents? Hope you get my point - my point is that bats are not rodents.
If you've got a bat house around your home, chances are you don't have a lot of mosquitoes around your home. Ah-ha! A direct, relevant example of why bats are awesome! Bats eat all those little bugs that bite, swarm, and get in ones face. Thank you, bats, for making my backyard significantly less annoying.
Another fact - though not so relevant in the United States - is that their scat is really useful for pottery and building. In the U.S., however, it is home to a fungus that is killing them.
If you remove one element from an ecosystem, the entire system fails. You may not like bats as much as I do, but at least respect them as an important part of nature.

Haiku for Bats  

 Flutter in the dusk;
tell me, friend, what I don't know.
Your sight is stronger.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Shooting Stars

Just a short post before the meteor shower tonight!
Whenever I watch a meteor shower, I have a strange experience. I can hear the meteors.
This probably sounds like something I'm making up, and maybe it is just an overactive imagination, but I really do hear the meteors. They sound like if wind chimes and a slide whistle had a baby. That's honestly the best I can describe it. Maybe I'm just subconsciously romanticizing the situation?
I also hear snow falling, but other people have confirmed that they hear it, too. Only when I talk about the sound of shooting stars do people look at me like I'm crazy.
I always look forward to the Perseid Meteor Shower. I think that it might be because it always occurs the week before my birthday, though.

Music of the Stars Haiku  

 Symphonic Cosmos;
unheard sounds burst into light.
Can the Heavens weep?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Red Birds

My Grandma Gardner and I had an inside joke about cardinals. She remembered this, even after several strokes. She could no longer recognize who I was, but the link between me and cardinals remained. The last time that I saw her before her departure of this world, she looked at me and said "you like red birds, don't you?"
I often visit my Grandma Gardner in dreams. It wasn't until recently that I realized she has been visiting me here for some time. I was thinking about totem animals (as I often do) while driving in my van, going about 10 mph over the speed limit. Suddenly, a cardinal flew into the road in front of me, and I slowed down for fear of hitting it. It was nothing unusual - cardinals always fly out in front of my van. Then, it dawned on me. Cardinals always fly out in front of my van specifically when I'm driving way to fast.
Sorry, Grandma G; I didn't mean to make you worry. I'll stop speeding.

Red Bird Haiku  

 Wings like candied fruit
guide me safely down the road.
Singing songs of home.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dark Moon

A lot of people refer to the Dark Moon as the New Moon. This is a common misconception - how can something be new if it has not yet begun? I don't go around correcting people, but I do my best to refer to it correctly and to be ready with an explanation for those who ask. When the Moon is cloaked, this is the Dark Moon. The first Waxing Crescent after the Dark Moon is the New Moon. I suppose it doesn't really make a difference - these are only Human titles - but for my purposes, I wanted to explain what I meant when referring to the Dark moon.
I love the energy of the Dark Moon. I was told years ago that the Dark Moon is not time for Magik. I now do not necessarily believe this to be true. I use it as a time of preparation and recovery of energy. I also use it as a time of study and appreciation. The Dark Moon is my time to refresh and rejuvenate all aspects of my being and spirit.
It is associated with the Crone who, in turn, is associated with wisdom. It is not a time to be afraid, but a time to put faith in the Moon's power and trust that it still shines on us though we can't see it. It is when what is done can be ended, and what has yet to be can begin.

Dark Moon Haiku  

    Pearl-studded blue gown,
made even more radient
by the Moon's non-light.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Hands

Being that I'm a barefoot-er, I give my feet a lot of attention, and a lot of credit. I would like to take this evening, however, to talk about my hands.
As I've been rock climbing, I've become more and more aware of my hands. My hands are strong, my hands are unafraid, my hands don't judge. Conversely, my hands don't always do, and sometimes they do without being told. I treat them rough, but they are always gentle to me. Sometimes they act on their own, but they always work with me.
My joints often hurt, and my hands are the biggest culprits. They become sore, swollen, and tired fairly often. I recently (within the past few days) started meditating with my hands by immersing them in rice for various Tia Chi exercises. While I do this, I repeat affirmations with each position. Originally I was just doing it to improve my climbing, but after only a few day, I found it healed me in other ways. My beliefs in reflexology reflect that - being the main importers/exporters of Qi - our hands and feet can be viewed as miniature models of our whole body. When I plunge my hand into that rice, by channeling my vibrations to my hand I am really plunging my whole body into the rice to be stretched, contracted, massaged, and energized.
I know my feet, but now I am meeting my hands. Maybe the best way to come to love my body is exactly like this; one piece at a time.

  Haiku Meditation for my Hands  

 My hands are my own.
They will no longer pain me.
They grip and open.